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Curriculum Vitae
Nikolaus Zen Prusinski
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3687 S.
Kinnickinnic Ave., Saint Francis, WI 53235 |
(414)-727-0866 |
| nik@nzp.guru
Last updated 12/31/19
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
Bachelor of Science, Physics - Astronomy Emphasis, 2016 - Date
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, 2016 - Date.
Full time University Student since Fall 2016 (age 15) pursuing Astrophysics, Mathematics and Music. Dean's Honor List 6/7 semesters, averaging 17-21 credits per semester. Current GPA: 3.937. Expected Graduation May 17, 2020. (Transcript)
Saint Francis High School, Saint Francis, WI.
Finished High School campus work in two years (ages 13 - 15) 2014 to 2016. Diploma Confered June, 2018, Valedictorian - Egregia Cum Laude.
Emphasis in Science,
Math, Robotics & Music at the Honors/AP level. Gifted and
Talented Program, Board Sponsored Youth Options started College
15 (2016) at University of Wisconsin -
Deer Creek Intermediate School, Saint Francis, WI.
General Curriculum- IQ
Tested, Added to Gifted and Talented Program
University of Wisconsin
– Milwaukee (Online – Ed to Go)
Certificate of
Completion -
to Programming (Professor Richard Blum)
Research Experience
Northwestern University
Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA)
Nancy Aggarwal, Christopher Berry, Aaron Geller; Summer 2019 NSF REU
Research Project: Detecting Orphan Memory from Gravitational Waves
See Research Website for details
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Center for Gravitation, Cosmology, and Astrophysics (CGCA)
Prof. Dawn Erb, Summer 2017 - Date
Research Project: Galactic Star Formation Driven Outflows at 1 < z < 1.5
See Research Page for details
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Center for Gravitation, Cosmology, and Astrophysics (CGCA)
Prof. David Kaplan, 2016 - 2017
Worked with group of undergraduate students through the Arecibo Remote Command Center at UWM (ARCC@UWM) to detect pulsars. Classified output of pulsar search pipeline, using PulsaR Exploration and Search TOolkit (PRESTO) plots, to determine if new pulsar had been found. Conducted remote observations from UWM with the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico and Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, collaborating with other institutions around the country.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Hand Rehabilitation Laboratory
Dr. Na Jin Seo, 2012 - 2014
Designed, built, and programmed “Towerbot” Digital Filament Stimulator integral to Stroke Patient nerve regeneration. Worked with Dr. Na Jin Seo's team including Dr. Pilwon Hur, Dr. Greg Slota, and Kishor Lakshminarayanan over two years as special collaborator. Acknowledgment in final paper.
Nikolaus Prusinski, Dawn K. Erb, Crystal L. Martin. "Galactic Outflows and the Morphology of Star Formation at 1 < z < 1.5." Poster presentation at 235th American Astronomical Society (AAS) Meeting. January 6, 2020. Honolulu, HI.
Nikolaus Prusinski, Nancy Aggarwal, Christopher Berry. "Detecting Orphan Memory from Gravitational Waves." Poster presented at Adler Planetarium to general public. August 23, 2019. Chicago, IL.
Nikolaus Prusinski, Nancy Aggarwal, Christopher Berry. "Detecting Orphan Memory from Gravitational Waves." Poster presented at Northwestern to CIERA physics/astro faculty, students, and staff. August 22, 2019. Evanston, IL.
Nikolaus Prusinski, Dawn K. Erb, Crystal L. Martin. "Galactic-Scale Star Formation-Driven Outflows at 1 < z < 1.5 in the 3D-HST Survey." Poster presented at 11th annual UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium. April 5, 2019. Milwaukee, WI.
Nikolaus Prusinski, Dawn K. Erb, Crystal L. Martin. "Galactic-Scale Star Formation-Driven Outflows at 1 < z < 1.5 in the 3D-HST Survey." Poster presented at 10th annual UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium. April 27, 2018. Milwaukee, WI.
Research Fellowships
Senior Excellence in Research Award (SERA)
Awarded for 2019-2020 Academic Year to continue research with Prof. Dawn Erb on star formation and galactic outflows.
One of seven UWM students chosen to serve as ambassador for undergraduate research. Presented work and experiences to local high school students and community members.
Northwestern University - Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA)
2019 Summer Researcher through NSF REU program (see Research Website)
Support for Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) Grants
Awards for: 2017-2018 Academic Year, Summer 2018, 2018-2019 Academic Year, Summer 2019
Poster Presentations at 2018, 2019 UWM Undergraduate Research Symposia.
Grants and Scholarships
James M. Martin Memorial Scholarship - for having the highest overall score in Modern Physics class - 2019
Chancellor Award - for academic excellence - 2018, 2019
Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium (WSGC) Undergraduate Scholarship - 2018, 2019
Academic Excellence Scholarship - 2018, 2019
Hoye Scholarship - 2018
William L Walters Memorial Scholarship - 2018
Trustone Financial Scholarship - 2018
Saint Francis Civic Association Scholarship - 2018
UWM Manfred Olson Planetarium Scholarship - 2017
Joseph (Starr) Diny Scholarship - 2018
Honors and Awards
National Society of Academic Excellence Nomination - 2019
National Society of Collegiate Scholars Nomination - 2019
William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Participant - 2017 - 2019
Member UWM Honors College - 2017 - 2019
Junior Honor Court, Saint Francis High School; June, 2017; Valedictorian.
High Honor
Roll – First in Class
4.548 GPA - 2014 - 2018
National Academy of Future Scientists and Technologists Award of Excellence Nomination - 2016
Named AP Scholar based on scores in AP classes, namely, AP Computer Science A, AP U.S. History, and AP Spanish Language and Culture (2015, age 14)
Inspire Award - for Robotic Programming & Sensor
Integration -
Certificate of Appreciation - for Inspiring Youth STEM
Teaching Experience
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader through the Student Success Center (SSC) at UWM. Tutoring calc-based E&M. - Fall 2019
Received CRLA's International Tutor Training Program Certification (Level 1) and Certificate of Appreciation from the SSC for Tutoring and SI during Fall semester.
Saint Francis High School
Tutor in RobotC, JAVA and C++, Python Programming Languages, Math and Music; individually and small groups.
Deer Creek Intermediate
Lecturer – RobotC
Programing Movement & Sensor Integration (FTC) -
Developed Syllabus and
Course Material (PPS & MPG/AVI multimedia).
Instructor – FIRST FLL
Mindstorms2 Programming 4th – 8th Graders -
Developed Course(s) with
8th Grade Science Teacher (Mr. Peter
Graven), Presented during
school year and summer programs.
– Zen42 Tetrix Sensor Robot -
Design, Build, Program
and Present robots at Public
Shows/Displays, Public Library Demonstrations, G.
E. Campus, Waukesha, Wisconsin for Scouts and general
public. Saint Francis Middle and High School, East
Troy High School. Search “Zen42” on YouTube for examples.
UWM Manfred Olson Planetarium - 2015 - Date
Conduct weekly stargazing sessions at the UWM observatory. When cloudy, present live shows inside the planetarium on constellations, current astronomy news, and specific astronomical topics (e.g. black holes, birth of the universe, etc.). Fulfilled an opportunity as project lead to improve the UWM observatory to feature a 14" reflecting telescope on a permanent computerized mount with astrophotography capabilities using a CCD camera. This $18,500 project required sourcing telescope equipment, putting together the mount, and coordinating with university faculty and staff both in and outside of physics. Project's success mandated training and mentoring my replacements using the upgraded scope. Currently working with a student to observe transiting exoplanets using the CCD camera as part of an independent study research project.
UWM Astronomy Club - 2016 - Date
Presentations to physics undergrads on personal research projects and current astro news. Astronomy public outreach: Maker Faire Milwaukee (2019), Human Scale Sundial Project (2017), "Coffeeshop" Astrophysics (2017).
Media and Commentary
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 2015 - Date
"Changes at Yerkes Observatory, An Artifact of Wisconsin's Astronomical Glory Days," WUWM 89.7 - March 12, 2018
Manfred Olson Planetarium - Stargazing Group Leader
Planetarium Website Cover Piece and Bio - November 8th, 2016
CBS Channel 58 News Interview - 2017
Research Demonstration with CCD Camera Measuring Linearity, Read Noise, and Gain (Paper) - July 10th, 2017
Create, design, produce, and publish text and video on to private/public servers and YouTube. Publish to share research activities, programming references, and recreational interests. - 2008 - Date.
Computer Skills
Languages: Python, Java, C, C++, Swift, Latex
Web Development: HTML, CSS
Applications: Mathematica, DS9, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, PTC Creo, Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorkds, MS/Apple/Libre Office Suites, Xcode, Finale.
Operating Systems Linux/Unix, Mac OS, Windows, iOS, Android.
Memberships, Interests, and Volunteering
American Astronomical Society (AAS) Undergraduate Member - 2019 - Date
UWM Chancellor Recognition for Public Telescope Viewing during Solar Eclipse - 2017
UWM Planetarium Lead Stargazer - 2015 - Date
UWM Center for Gravitation Cosmology and Astrophysics (CGCA) - 2016 - Date
FAA Private Pilot – Single & Multi-Engine Fixed Wing Aircraft (Solo). - 2010 - Date
Experimental Aviation Association (EAA) Member - 2019 - Date
Great Lakes Sailor – Helm, Nav & Sheet Masthead Sloop “Paprika” - 2010 - Date
Musician (Orchestra Student) - French Horn, Piano, and Trumpet - 2008 - Date
Horn Participant; UWM Horn Choir, UWM Symphony Band, UWM University Community Orchestra, Milwaukee Municipal Orchestra - 2016 - Date
Positions of Interest with Requirements as goals (downloadable PDF's)
| Astrophysicist |
Ast. Prof. |
Astronaut (pdf) |
Airline Pilot |
Decent Human |
SpaceXpilot |
Dr. Leo Stein |
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